Willie A. Deese College of Business and Economics

Supply Chain Management Minor

Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management Supply Chain Management Program Minor

MSCM’s Supply Chain Management Program offers a Minor in Supply Chain Management (18 Cr hours)

The minor in Supply Chain Management is offered to any student completing the courses of study listed below. Supply chain management is a discipline that is needed, to some degree, by virtually every organization. The minor offers the basic knowledge and understanding of supply chain management to seek employment opportunities with a supporting skill set for supply chain operations.

The SCM Minor course sequence is a strong complement to all business majors, as well as industrial engineering and agricultural science, to name a few.

The SCM Minor provides students with basic knowledge of supply chain management, such as distribution strategies, planning, and procurement, while also working on students' communication, negotiation, and leadership abilities.

Supply Chain Management Minor (SCMM) requirements (18 Cr hours):

1. Required Courses (12 hours):
a. SCMG 240 Introduction to Supply Chain Management
b. SCMG 260 Introduction to Transportation
c. SCMG 480 International Logistics & Supply Chain Management*
d. SCMG 473 Purchasing & Supply Management*

2. Choose an additional 6 hours (2 courses*) from the list below, all are 3 credit hours.
**At least one of the two courses must be a SCMG course.

SCMG 325 Economics of Transportation* SCMG 331 Supply Chain Analysis*
SCMG 350 Carrier Management*
SCMG 471 Materials Management & Distribution* SCMG 493 Supply Chain Solutions*
MGMT 330 Operations Management* MGMT 373 Managing Process Improvement*
MGMT 375 Service Innovation and Project Management*

All courses counting toward the minor must have a grade of “C” or better.
* Courses have prerequisites you must meet before registering.


Dr. Ahren Johnston
Interim Chairperson and Associate Professor
Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management
Willie A. Deese College of Business and Economics
North Carolina A&T State University
1601 E. Market Street
Merrick Hall 325
Greensboro, NC 27411
Phone: 336-285-3386
Fax: 336-256-2275