Accessibility Best Practices

Accessibility wiht Text and Images

Best Practices for Accessibility: Avoiding Text in Images and ADA Compliance

Creating accessible content is not only a matter of best practices but also a legal requirement under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). One area where accessibility challenges often arise is the use of text within images. Ensuring that your content is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, is crucial for compliance and inclusivity. This article outlines best practices for avoiding text in images and provides alternatives to ensure ADA compliance.

Understanding ADA Compliance

The ADA mandates that all public and private entities provide equal access to information and services for individuals with disabilities. This includes digital content such as websites and electronic documents. Text embedded within images presents a significant accessibility challenge because it is not easily readable by screen readers or other assistive technologies used by individuals with visual impairments.

Why Avoid Text in Images?

  • Screen Readers and Accessibility: Text within images is not accessible to screen readers, which are used by individuals who are blind or have severe visual impairments. Screen readers cannot interpret text embedded in images, meaning that important information can be lost.
  • Scalability and Readability Issues: Text in images can be difficult to scale or adjust for users with low vision. Even with high-resolution images, users might struggle to read text if it is not clear or sufficiently large.
  • SEO and Indexing Limitations: Search engines cannot read text within images, which can impact your content’s search engine optimization (SEO) and indexing. Search engines rely on text to understand and rank content.
  • Legal Risks: Failure to provide accessible content can result in non-compliance with the ADA, potentially leading to legal actions against your organization.

Best Practices for Accessibility 

  • Use HTML for Text Content
    Best Practice: Always use HTML to present text rather than embedding it in images. HTML text is easily accessible to screen readers and can be resized or reformatted to suit different user needs.
    Example: Instead of an image with the text “Winter Sale - 30% Off,” use HTML
    <h1>Winter Sale - 30% Off</h1>
  • Provide Descriptive Alt Text
    Best Practice: If an image must contain text for design reasons, provide descriptive alt text that conveys the essential information. Ensure the alt text is succinct yet informative.
    Example: For an image of a flyer with text “Spring Event - Register Now,” use alt text like:
    <img src="spring-event.jpg" alt="Flyer for Spring Event - Register Now">
  • Include Text in Image Captions
    Best Practice: If the image is part of an informative context, provide a caption that describes the text on the image. This ensures that the information is accessible.
    Example: For an infographic showing data, use a caption:
    <p>This infographic illustrates the key statistics from our latest survey. The main text highlights a 20% increase in user satisfaction.</p>
  • Ensure High Contrast
    Best Practice: If text must be part of an image, ensure that there is high contrast between the text and background. This aids users with low vision or color blindness.
    Example: Use design tools to verify that the text color contrasts sufficiently with the background color.
  • Avoid Overloading Images with Text
    Best Practice: Limit the amount of text in images to ensure it is legible. Use images primarily for decorative purposes rather than conveying essential information.
    Example: Instead of placing detailed instructions in an image, use text in HTML:
    <p>For detailed instructions, see below:</p>
        <li>Step 1: Log in to your account.</li>
        <li>Step 2: Go to the settings page.</li>
        <li>Step 3: Update your profile information.</li>
  • Provide Alternative Formats
    Best Practice: Offer content in multiple formats to ensure accessibility. For instance, provide downloadable text files or accessible PDFs alongside image-based content.
    Example: If an image contains a table with data, offer the table as a downloadable text file:
    <p>Download the data table in text format: <a href="data-table.txt">Download Here</a></p>
  • Design with Accessibility in Mind
    Best Practice: Implement accessible design principles from the start. Use accessible design tools and practices to ensure that content meets accessibility standards.
    Example: Use web design frameworks that include built-in accessibility features and follow the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

Avoiding text in images is a crucial step towards ensuring your content is accessible and compliant with the ADA. By using HTML for text, providing descriptive alt text, and ensuring high contrast, you can make your content accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. Following these best practices not only helps you meet legal requirements but also creates a more inclusive digital environment.

By adopting these practices, you can enhance the accessibility of your content and provide a better experience for all users, ensuring compliance with the ADA and demonstrating a commitment to inclusivity.

Our CMS Templates allow for images with text overlay and button/link functionality. Below are examples of 2 and 3-column content types. FontAwesome icons are supported in this example as well.

Gold Text 
On Blue Overlay

Click Here

Blue Text 
On Gold Overlay

Read More

Gold Text 
On Blue Overlay

Click Here

Blue Text 
On Gold Overlay

Read More

White Text 
On Blue Overlay

View Page