Rules & Regulations

Rules by Sport

NC A&T Intramural Handbook

 All intramural sports rules and handbooks are available on




Protest Form 

This form must be submitted within 24 hours of the game being protested. You may use this form to contest the following: the eligibility of players, a rule misinterpretation by an official, a misinterpretation of playing rules by players, or the official game score.

Fill out Protest form

Ejection Reinstatement Form 

This form should be completed if you have been ejected from an event and want to request reinstatement of your eligibility to participate in future events."

Fill out Ejection Reinstatement form 


Contact Us

North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
201 North Benbow Road
Intramural Sports, Suite 103
Greensboro, NC 27411

Campus Map

Campus Recreation Office: 336-285-4230
Intramural Sports Office: 336-285-4232
Fax: 336-256-2650