College of Education

BS Secondary Education Chemistry Education

The Secondary Education B.S. level provides students with an opportunity to begin an exciting and rewarding career in science teaching. Secondary Education B.S. level graduates in chemistry qualify for employment in many fields similar to the regular B.S, graduates. There are many career opportunities for chemists in education, government, and industry.

In industry, the chemistry graduate with a B.S. degree may be employed in manufacturing-plant management, research and development, product development, technical sales, marketing, etc. B.S. level chemists work in research at federal, state, municipal, and university laboratories.

The B.S. degree program prepares students to pursue graduate study in chemistry or other chemistry-based sciences (biochemistry, pharmacology, physiology, chemical physics, material science, etc.), medicine, dentistry, and other health professional areas.

Department of Chemistry
New Science Building
1601 East Market Street
Greensboro, NC 27411
Phone: 336-285-2240
Fax: 336-334-7124